Christopher Young has been front and center at many of the far-right rallies and events in Northern California since early this summer. Operating under the online pseudonym “Odin,” (his dog’s name) or “Odin Young,” he has affiliated himself with several far-right populist and supremacist groups including the California State Militia and the Central Valley Militia. Young is the Vice President of the Central Valley Proud Boys and has a Proud Boys tattoo on his right forearm. Young told J. On November 28 that he is a former Muslim and now Christian. However, several of Young’s tattoos signal a relationship to Paganism, as does the name he gave to his pet (Odin). Every single video on Young’s TikTok account is also centered around this theme. For more details on the overlap between certain pagan groups and fascism, see our article on a racist local pagan here.

Looking at Young’s social media posts, one can glean much of his political insight. Young is skeptically optimistic about Donald Trump, and has shown support for the now-outgoing president over the last four years, yet he has also countered that support in a November 2020 post on Telegram. In an offshoot Proud Boys discussion channel, Young speculated that Donald Trump is “a puppet for ZOG and doesn’t even know it.” The acronym ZOG stands for “Zionist Occupational Government” and is a staple in modern white supremacist discourse that dates back to the 1970s. The term refers to a conspiracy theory that the United States government is actually controlled by and operates exclusively in the interests of Jews. A more popular (and only slightly less anti-Semitic) version of this conspiracy is the “New World Order.” These theories allow the far-right to explain why the United States isn’t run the way they think it should be, and also validates their feelings of victimhood by providing them a scapegoat for their anger. In an October 2020 interview that Young did with podcaster Allen Hall, Young opined that from here on out he doesn’t see any way for there to be peace between liberals and conservatives.

Additional Telegram posts further detail Young’s views on race. In one message, Young’s anti-black racism came through when he described himself as “98% white boyyyyyyyyy” and expressed a preference for being “1% jew” over being “1% african.” Young adheres to a National Socialist-style (Nazi) understanding of the world, believing that races should be separated from each other and he believes this is the natural order of things. What Young shares in private discussions like these is much different from what he said to Allen Hall about inclusiveness and diversity in their public podcast discussion. It’s clear that Christopher Young is motivated to action by a far-right line of thinking that concludes that white men are somehow the victims of a grand conspiracy to oppress them, and furthermore that there is now or will soon be a civil war in the United States against the “ZOG”/“NWO.”
Posting as “Odin Young” in a local Facebook group earlier this summer, Christopher Young announced that he was going to form a “Galt militia” and invited others to become members. This post was archived and shared with the Galt city council by several concerned residents. Later in August, Young participated in a “Straight Pride” rally in Modesto, CA, organized by Don Grundmann, and appeared in a photo with far-right content producer Josh Fulfer, who was wearing a shirt featuring Kyle Rittenhouse with the words “American Hero” underneath. Kyle Rittenhouse is the 17 year old who shot three Black Lives Matter protestors, killing two and wounding another in Kenosha, WI. Pictures of Christopher Young and Josh Fulfer together at the event show Young clearly pointing attention towards and agreeing with the message Fulfer was promoting on his shirt.

Young appeared again at a far-right gathering in Atwater on September 26, 2020, that included militia groups, Proud Boys, and a wider conservative contingent that came together to show support for police. Pictures from this event capture Young standing with a militia member holding a riot shield with the words “Free Kyle Rittenhouse” on it next to the Proud Boys logo. This marks multiple times Christopher Young has been comfortable supporting the teenage murderer.

Most recently, Christopher Young has been a key figure in the weekly right wing rallies taking place here in Sacramento. Activated by the completely unfounded conspiracy theory of widespread voter fraud that is supposedly responsible for Joe Biden’s victory over Donald Trump in the 2020 election, the far-right has been gathering every Saturday at the Capitol. They include Proud Boys, militia members, and white supremacists along with radicalized MAGA die-hards and Q Anon followers. All of these rallies have erupted in violence, with far-right bullies attacking the unhoused, minors, and random pedestrians. Young has taken a lead organizer role by providing coordination at these events and was even given space to speak on the stage at the November 21 rally. After vaguely alluding to a “very serious” event coming in the future during his speech, Young declared that, “We will certainly stand tall until we have victory or paradise.” Standing with him on stage was Proud Boy Jeffrey Perrine, known for shouting that “illegal immigrants should have their heads smashed into the concrete” at a far-right rally in Portland. Joining Christopher Young and Jeffrey Perrine on stage was Alicia Peterson, a MAGA organizer who is known to have worked with the Golden State Skinheads during her activist efforts.

On November 28, Christopher Young joined the rest of the Central Valley Proud Boys on stage as they all sang a song together called “By God We’ll Have Our Home Again,” a song written by a fascist white supremacist project called Mannerbund. The song was originally featured in the handful of podcasts on the Mannerbund website, which also includes articles and imagery explicitly venerating National Socialism (Nazism). One comment from a Mannerbund participant online mentions that “several brothers” have connections to the fascist group Patriot Front. Following the National Socialist sing-along and an afternoon of drinking, Young and dozens of his fellow Proud Boys roamed the streets around the Capitol and Cesar Chavez Park looking for people to fight.
Christopher Young is an active threat. Due to his affinity for National Socialist (Nazi) ideas regarding race and culture and his affiliations with violent Proud Boys and militia members, anti-racists and anti-fascists should continue to monitor Young and the others that he has been networking with. Further information can be useful in any efforts to minimize or even possibly neutralize the danger posed by Christopher Young and the groups he is aligned with. It should be noted that Young does indeed own firearms.

You can usually spot Young at an event with his hair tied back, usually wearing a cowboy hat and some combination of gear and clothing with Proud Boy insignia. His tattoos are very distinct–look for runes on his right forearm, a Thor’s Hammer on his right hand, and flames on his left forearm. Hinting that Young wants to limit his public association with the Proud Boys, he censors photographs of himself and others that he posts on his personal Instagram account so that the Proud Boys logos are unrecognizable.
The Doxx
Legal Name: Christopher Carl Young
Born: 1983 (37 years old)
Pseudonym: “Odin Young”
Current address: 36 Almo Ct Galt, CA 95632 (Sacramento County)
Vehicle: Black Ford F150, CA license plate 27101A1
Occupation: Truck driver
Affiliations: Central Valley Proud Boys, Sacramento Proud Boys, California State Militia (2nd Infantry Regiment, Echo Company), “Central Valley Militia”
This article only came to be after a collaboration with our comrades at NoCARA. If you have any information on Proud Boys, militias, and other far-right organizing in Northern California, you can anonymously send tips to Northern California Anti-Racist Action (NoCARA) at nocara(at)riseup(dot)net and to Antifa Sacramento at antifasac(at)riseup(dot)net